
Restructuring service is considered a shelter for both large and small enterprises alike. When these enterprises begin to deviate from their intended path and face crises that shake their entity and threaten their existence, the “restructuring” service becomes necessary. This allows the owners of these enterprises to continue their operations and see their institutions recover and succeed. In Mashroo3k for Economic Consulting and Market Research, we harness all our efforts and intellectual and human capabilities to inject new life into the veins of institutions.


  • Providing practical tools to assist executive managers in the success of their institutions.
  • Assisting business owners in making corrective decisions.
  • Providing accurate information in selecting strategic objectives that would implement restructuring in line with market developments.
  • Process governance and enhancing the organizational environment for enterprises and institutions.
  • Enhancing the efficiency of financial departments.
  • Developing indicators to help enterprises measure their performance accurately and effectively.
  • How the service goes:

  • Analyzing the enterprise status through SWOT analysis.
  • Studying the enterprise vision and mission, then determining whether they align with the future strategic objectives the enterprise seeks to achieve or not.
  • Identifying the strategic alternatives that the enterprise will implement in the future after studying the market, competitors, the enterprise current status, and future aspirations.
  • Studying the overall structure of senior management and key departments.
  • Identifying and diagnosing functional gaps. Conducting job fit analyses (matching employees to their positions).
  • Developing new tasks for departments, divisions, and employees.
  • · Implementing the regulations of the procedures and policies for human resources and all departments, then reviewing and amending them to align with the institution future goals.
  • Organizing procedures and operations within the financial department, and reviewing (the document cycle, general accounts, and financial resource management).
  • Developing mechanisms for implementing the flexible restructuring plan.
  • Developing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and explaining the evaluation process.
  • Developing follow-up and measurement indicators for employers; therefore, “Mashoo3k” company creates an electronic dashboard through which all operations can be professionally and accurately accessed according to specific indicators for all department tasks.
  • That was a brief overview of the “Restructuring Service” provided by “Mashoo3k” company to its clients. This service ensures enhancing institutional strength, flexibility, and effectiveness among divisions and departments while reducing operational costs and directing efforts towards the right path. Thus, if you are in urgent need of this service, all you have to do is contact us, Mashoo3k team; and rest assured, we will help you overcome the crisis and guide you to safety to start anew.